Rather a hot-potch of a gallery with a selection of images of British plant life and some travel experiences from the last ten years.
British plant life
The British Isles contains a wealth of plant life. Some of this is far more exotic than many imagine. We have a wealth of fantastic wild orchids including the stunning Ladies Slipper. Mnay species are small and becoming increasingly rare as habitat change and loss increase. However, the re-creation of wild flower meadows, particuarly those in some of our most urban housing estates brings colour and the wild world right to our doorstep.
Yellowstone Winter
The winter in what is arguably America's premier national park is a wonderful thing. Snow and wildlife combine to create a wildlife photographers dream scape.
A few images from my trip to Bandavghar NP in India.
Bulgarias stunning insects
Bulgaria is an amazing country, so beautiful and with so much incredible countryside. Wild flower meadows are everywhere and during the summer they are graced by a bewildering array of butterflies and other invertebrates.
The magic of mushrooms.
Not the small white ones that students love to hunt in autumn!! but a celebration of the great beauty and diversity of these amazing structures.
Costa Rica
I have always had a fascination with highly coloured birds and possibly the hummingbirds of Central America are the most prized of all. Generally I have felt the pull of the cold North in terms of my photography but occasionally I gat a hankering for the hotter jungles of Africa and the Americas. I had never been to Costa Rica and armed with the new 5Dmk3 and the expectations of high ISO’s I decided a couple of weeks would be a great tonic to the grey of March in the UK. I was not disappointed, an amazing country and fantastic wildlife, a place I will definitely go back to.
The Peak District
My own doorstep and where I do a huge amount of my photography. I just love it, wild, remote and upland yet five minutes from my door and with such charismatic wildlife.
The Aurora and the far north
We all have our favourite global destinations, mine are definitely the lands of the far north (bar the horrendous mozzies!!!!!). I love the warms of the tropics and their brilliantly coloured animals and plants yet I still find the north the last really great wilderness and its wildlife fascinating.
Images from the Mountain Gorillas of Rwanda and Uganda, via Namibia to South Africa.
Images from a month long trip across the southern part of this unique continent.
Bosque del Apache
One of the great US bird photography hotspots in the late autumn and winter. The thousands of snow geese and sandhill cranes are stunning. Add to this the amazing Gambal's quails and you have one fantastic place, I just love it here.